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Work Hard, Play Hard

Studies have shown that an active lifestyle outside of the workplace actually promotes more productive employees in the workplace.  Based on this study alone I am one of the most productive individuals you could hire.  I work hard, but I play just as hard!

The Beach is one of my places to relax.  From infancy my parents took me there on family vacations and now it has become a place of relaxation for me.  I even worked on the beach patrol in Wildwood Crest for three summers.  If I should happen to have a free day in the summer, the beach is where you will probably find me.

Sailing is a skill my father taught me as a boy.  As I showed more interest in the sport my father and I began to advance our skills from a small Sunfish (16 foot sailboat) to a larger 28 foot Caliber.  We even went as far as to attending sailing school in Annapolis and get our Captains Licenses.

Snowarding is a sport I did not pick up until college.  From the first day at Blue Mountain (Pennsylvania Ski Resort) I knew I was hooked on this sport.  I could hardly move to attend class the next day, but still knew it was my winter passion.  I enjoyed it so much that I actually moved to Vermont and became an Instructor at Stowe Resorts.  Probably still my favorite winter activity.

I first tried Paragliding during my honeymoon in Switzerland. Now that I have experienced what it is like to be a bird, I'm looking for the next place I can do it.  The ultimate peaceful sightseeing experience.  

Rock Climbing is something I started in High School and have stuck with since.  A different kind of workout, this activity combines being outside, physical endurance, and a little risk to give you an amazing feeling of self gratitude once you have completed a full climb.  I am not daring enough to advance more than top roping or bouldering but for me I'm satisfied with those limits for now.

White Water Rafting is only something I have done a few times on the east coast but its on my bucket list to try down the Colorado River someday.  I hope to plan that trip sooner than later.

Swimming has become one of my favorite things to do for a workout and recreation.  A number of my favorite activities happen around water so I find it important to be proficient in the water just in case that is where I end up.  I try to swim two to four miles per week to keep my skills in check.

Hiking is just something I stumbled upon in my travels.  I find a path and want to see where it goes.  Next thing I know I am five miles into the countryside and enjoying a view I could have never seen from the road.  Goes to show you the road less traveled really does make all the difference.  Since I started hiking, I have been to the tallest peaks in a number of states and a few countries.  

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