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Schools are a great place to start learning, but then its up to us to continue leaning!


On Deck

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An amazing view on leadership and leading by example. This Captain conveys his message in a story format that will keep you reading until the end. He portrays himself in a fashion that any of us could imagine being him, but makes decisions that force you to ask yourself if you would have made the same choice. 


Wonderful way at looking at goals.  Going big is not always a bad thing and if you always think small you will always stay small. 

Clarifying passion over Obsession. This book redefines the way we look at the obsessed and why it is not a bad thing to be obsessed with the right things. 

A deep dive into the power of automation. This book does a great job of highlighting different ways of automation and the advantages it brought to those who took the steps to do so. 

A great view on why some companies succeed and others do not.  Standing out from the crowd is important, but once you have someones attention, you have to keep it in order to survive.  

Starting so small and growing has its problems, but consistency in a large business drives repeat customers.  When Howard Schultz decided to close his doors for an entire weekend at all his locations it seemed very risky.  Obviously the risk paid off as the consistency across all Starbucks became uniform and the stores began to increase their sales.

Thinking outside the box in todays world is sometimes the only way to get notice.  Developing community networks that use each other to succeed are the future.  Where one company may fail, a few working together and providing incite for each other can go much farther.

A new look at what we have been taught to believe is true wealth.  How to view future investments as an asset or liability was very insightful.  


Its the simple things in life that makes us happy.  If we can find a way to make those things make us money, there is no limit to our happiness. Great depiction of how something as simple as a duck call can lead to wealth. 

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